Saturday, September 24, 2011


If a crook wanted to do away with all the police officers everyone would undoubtedly laugh themselves into a fit. why because its blindingly obvious that if we had no cops you would be robbed blind. If we didn't have any police it would be total anarchy.
But when a politician says we need to do away with regulators like the E.P.A. because its too expensive or that they slow down progress, stand in the way of businesses, jobs and prosperity.
no one thinks for a second that these regulators are white collar cops, they are the ploice officers of big business no one does a thing to stop it.
I happen to think it is money well spent in fact we don't spend enough. And what happens if we have no regulators?  Historically well They don't inspect oil wells, there is no one to say hey wait, what happens if something goes wrong down there? Can we even go down that deep to fix it?
And Millions of gallons of oil spew into the gulf, The seafood is contaminated, tourism is destroyed, wetlands are decimated. and that's not all the natural gas industry is allowed to hydro frac in national park lands. Concerns about environmental and human health effects associated with hydraulic fracturing include the contamination of ground water, risks to air quality, the migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface, and the potential mishandling of waste.[16] The potential costs associated with possible environmental clean-up processes, loss of land value and human and animal health concerns are proven facts.
A 2010 EPA study "discovered contaminants in drinking water including: arsenic, copper, vanadium, and adamantanes adjacent to drilling  and all this is happening on land that was set aside protected as parkland so that all of our children's children will have it to use. as a result chemical company's are allowed to spew toxins into the air and pump chemicals into the ground.
Explain to me how can it be too expensive to have clean air to breath or clean water for our children to swim in and drink. no matter what you gain from it its not as valuable as clean air and water.
I'm no tree hugger but i do think every ones great great grandchildren should be able to go and see a giant redwood, or the grand canyon or Niagara falls.
Its too late where I'm from on the gulf coast no one will ever see the coast like it was as i saw it when i was a child.  These days if you go to gulf shores to see the beach you better have a beach side condo. because you cant see the water anymore. No sand dunes no sea oats, that are in fact protected by law.  They have all been pushed over to make room for condos. and its a real shame too because there was only a thousand feet of sand if that, between the road and the beach from gulf shores to orange beach. How hard would it have been to treat that small strip of sand like a national treasure for everyone in the world to come and see and use. Everyone should be able to walk down the beach and watch the seagulls fly around to see the little sand crabs scurry up and down the beach and hear the waves crashing, and the sea oats rustling in the wind

I think there should be a law that if a hurricane blows them down they shouldn't be rebuilt.
That land should be restored to its natural state after all it is where the giant sea turtle hatches its eggs.

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