Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jobs and why we dont have em

Have you noticed lately unemployment level is higher that's ever been, but our politicians aren't even talking about it. All they seem to be doing is pointing fingers and talking about the other guy.
( that's a distraction tactic ) first of all politics aren't a team sport but they treat it like it is. its not a them against us thing its actually a us against us thing and they intentionally turn us on us so they don't have to do anything, in the mean time the whole thing is going to the dogs. Well that's what it seems like on the surface, the fact of the matter we just cant play on a level playing field and they know it so they don't talk about it. If someone actually corners them on it they start talking about Obama care or debit ceiling or gay marriage ( more distractions ) you see they know the only jobs that are coming for us are infrastructure jobs or maybe some green energy jobs and the green jobs are already starting to get outsourced. And the reason that is as long as a factory worker in china makes $155.00 an month and a factory worker in America makes $2372.00 a month we ant gettin our damn jobs back and they know it. so what they want to do is dig us deeper in debit with more money from china start building bridges and roads so that it looks like they're trying and ignore the fact that we cant compete with em.

check out the links below and see for yourself

this is what we want
this what we have to compeet with

If I'm not seeing this right plz. explain it to me because its terrifying me. and on top of all that, I'm a small business owner and in the past 3 months I've hired three people one wouldn't work one wouldn't show up on time and the other one said he wanted to work but was no show no call at all. and they wounder why all our jobs are going away.

1 comment:

  1. someone just sent me this maybe there is some hope lol
